Suggested Wording

Here’s some suggested wording for starting negotiations with the employer on equal pay.

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Dear Employer,

Our union branch has resolved to pursue a local campaign to end unequal pay in our workplace.

Despite the Equal Pay Act being in existence for over 50 years, women in our workplace are still paid less than men [insert evidence for this].

Pay discrimination can be bad for the organisation’s reputation, bad for staff morale, and could also mean that our workplace is potentially liable to equal pay and discrimination claims at employment tribunals or in the courts.

We therefore request that an Equal Pay Audit be conducted [or an existing audit be reviewed] to help scrutinise pay rates and jobs, to identify pay gaps and measures to close them, and specifically to agree to:

  • operate a transparent pay system, based on objective criteria and free from sex bias or discrimination on other grounds including race, age and disability;
  • check for any gender and other pay gaps in the workforce/specific work areas;
  • take action to implement equal pay for equal work in practice;
  • provide paid release for union equal pay and equality training; and to
  • provide facilities and paid release for union representatives involved in the negotiations.

Once the audit has been conducted, we would like to jointly analyse the results and formulate an agreed action plan to tackle the identified issues. That plan should include monitoring, implementation and review processes.

We formally request the carrying out of an equal pay review of all staff within the next [insert number] months.

I trust that you will consider this request and look forward to discussing this with you at the earliest opportunity.

Yours sincerely etc.

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